Daily Archives: June 28, 2024

Kildysart GAA Family Fun Day – 30 June 2024

Parish Accounts 2023

Kildysart 2023 Parish Accounts:

We thank everyone who financially supported our parish during 2023. Your generosity makes the celebration of the sacraments, the proclamation of the Gospel and our gathering in prayer possible. Parishioners are reminded that they have the option of using the donate button on our parish website (www.kilfidaneparish.com) to make their contribution.

We also thank our secretary and the members of our finance council for their careful management of our finances. A summary of our accounts is given below and a more detailed version is available on the Church notice boards and below.

Income in 2023€72,735.36
Expenditure in 2023€65,540.68
Surplus in 2023€7,194.67

Canon Island – Sunday, 7 July 2024

Canons’ Island in the Shannon estuary is  the largest in a cluster of over twenty islands that occupy the expansive stretch of water formed by the confluence of the Shannon and Fergus estuaries. The island is the site of a medieval Monastery and a traditional pilgrim site for people on both sides of the estuary. The Canons Regular of St Augustine who lived in the Abbey provided pastoral care for the nearby parishes until its suppression during the rule of Henry VIII. The Island has continued to serve as a place of burial up to the present.

In 1990 the late Fr Michael Hillery, PP revived the tradition of going on pilgrimage to the Canons’ Island   A large number of pilgrims travel to the island each year for the annual Mass.

Mass will be celebrated in the ruins of the old Monastery on the island on Sunday, 7 July 2024. Boats will leave Crovraghan Pier at 5pm.           All are welcome.                                                                             

We are indebted to the dedicated group who organise the pilgrimage each year and to the choir and to all who contribute to the success of the pilgrimage.

Irish law  requires that life jackets be worn – a limited number will be available at the pier

Pastoral Council Meeting

Image result for pastoral councilThe next meeting of Kildysart Parish Pastoral Council will take place on Thursday, 5 September 2024 at 8.30pm in the Community Centre.

If any member of the parish would like to place an item on the agenda they are welcome to contact the chairperson or any member of the council.

The members of Kildysart Pastoral Council are:

Fintan Ginnane (Chairperson);

Frankie O’Shea (Vice Chairperson);

Mairead Kelly (Secretary);

Nancy Griffin;

Maureen McMahon;

Ger Kelly;

Niamh O’Connor;

Pat Custy;

Carmel Casey;

and Fr Albert McDonnell.